Dear Prayer Warriors,
Today I would like to share a reflection with you, if you do not mind. It is on what makes a “prayer warrior”. What makes people pray and fast, totally unseen in the privacy of their homes for the sake of lives and souls? What makes others donate money or supplies so that pro-life campaigns can occur? What makes people stand in a very prominent public place at a Planned Parenthood in the sun and heat, rain and wet, snow, slush, and cold? What makes folks give of their time with no remuneration? What makes a college student stop by to pray in between classes? Or a tired business person come by after a long day at work? Or a young mother who bundles up her little ones to come out to pray when even the presence of the little children does not stop rude remarks? What makes folks give up a morning or afternoon weekly for weeks on end or drive a great distance? What makes a pretty lady, the mother of six, stand in all weathers and often alone in front of an abortion mill, calling out for the women to come and talk to her? Is it because she knows the pain of the ‘choice’ these women are making? Or the mother who was given up for adoption herself and knows that all children are really wanted children? Or what of the man who buys pro-life books and materials at his own expense to give to whomever will accept them? Or those ones who come all year round with no reward but perhaps to learn years later that the calling out of “Mom, you don’t have to do this!” saved the life of a little boy?
Two passages for ALL these good Christians come to mind:
Your Father who sees in secret will reward you…lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven…for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Mt 6:18, 20-21)
My commandment is this: love one another as I have loved you. (Jn 13:34)
I submit to you that they do this out of love. Love for God, love for Jesus who laid down His life to redeem us and so these sacrifices are made: in a way to also lay down our lives for the sake of others. This is not done for money. A TRUE prayer warrior who enters into the spiritual battle does not do it for human respect or praise or attention or self-seeking. For if done for those reasons, then they will have their reward on this earth. But rather when they are alone perhaps in the heat or cold with the ‘slings and arrows’ coming their direction, they return a blessing and a prayer for those from whom those things come. They come for the love of souls, for the love of the unborn children and their parents; they come for the staff and for the hired killers. They come knowing that the Father who sees in secret hears their prayers and somehow, someway lives and souls are benefitting as the sacrifices they make are joined to the sacrifice of the Son. They come to enter into conversation with those who have not fully considered what “pro-choice” means and its repercussions. They stand in the gap to intercede for those affected by abortion.
For all those who have helped in ways seen and unseen in this 40 Days for Life campaign, I can only pray that you will one day hear those long awaited words from our Heavenly Father:
Well done, good and faithful servant. (Mt 25:21)
For the full measure of love is heaven for the beloved.
May God reward you and give you His peace.
One of my daughters is such a prayer warrior. She 'caught' the message last year and participates in 40 days of prayer in spite of physical limitations.
ReplyDeleteI am also a re-converted Catholic convert. I found my way here from Susie Melkus of Joyful Catholics.
You are like the voice in the wilderness. Please continue with your ministry of exhortation and prayer.
Since it seems that you only post a few times a year, I figure you are a very busy person. May God richly bless you and continue to inspire you to action.